There’s Got to Be a Better Way for Project Delivery, and it’s Called P3!

There's Got to be

This presentation will cover the Public Private Partnership (P3) process from start to finish including details of the benefits and risks as compared to other traditional procurement project delivery methods. Our municipal, owner rep, and GC panel members will share their thoughts and experiences in a group discussion format. We will discuss a practical, no-nonsense approach that many find obscured within the legislation but can result in a project that incorporates the best of the public and private sectors. This presentation will provide a roadmap for success including lessons learned and awareness of potential issues/problems and how to avoid them. Attendees should be prepared to go home with a solution to a procurement problem.

Duration: 1 hour | PDHs: 1 | Subscription: 90 days

Presented by: Kevin Wills, CCM; Wayne Nelson, PE; Matt Johnson; Ed Stelter
