Construction Manager-in-Training

CMIT Badge

Apply Now      CMIT Handbook

Earning the Construction Manager-in-Training (CMIT®) designation is the entry point for the CMIT Program and the first step to help develop a successful career in the construction management industry. The CMIT is a professional credential recognizing practitioners who display high educational achievement and the desire to learn how to become competent, successful Construction Managers.

CMIT Level 1

*Experience in each of the functional practice areas of CM is defined as time spent working in that professional discipline. There is no CMIT requirement for this experience to be as responsible in-charge (RIC). For more on RIC, please see the CCM Application Handbook.



Individuals must meet the following qualification to begin the CMIT program:

  • Signature of support from a supervisor, educational instructor, employer, or military personnel.

Application Process

All applicants are required to read the CMIT Handbook. Applications may be submitted online or using the PDF application in the accompanying Handbook.

Apply Now

Applications will not be processed until CMCI receives all portions of the application and required fees. All CMIT application fees are non-refundable.

CMIT Program Fees (US$)

Effective January 1, 2019

CMIT CMAA Non-Member CMAA Member CMAA Mega Member Active Duty U.S. Military
APPLICATION (includes study material and exam) $125.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00
REAPPLICATION (for expired applications) $125.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00


Examination Process

Approved candidates have one (1) year from when their CMIT application was approved and three (3) attempts to pass the Capstone Assessment examination. Candidates who successfully complete the examination earn the CMIT credential and are enrolled into the CMIT program.

Candidates should consult the CMIT Handbook for additional information about the examination.

Next Step

Those who hold the CMIT designation are eligible to apply for the CMIT Level 2.