On-Demand Conference Sessions

No need to miss out on valuable conference education, even if you were unable to attend live. Check out this library of on-demand sessions presented by the industry’s best and brightest.Autodesk Sponsor of CMAA eLearning

  • Each course offers CCM Renewal Points (RP) and Professional Development Hours (PDH) as listed.
  • To browse by topic, be sure to login to your account and click Store > eLearning > On-Demand Conference Sessions.
  • Once purchased, the courses can be accessed by logging in to your account and selecting My Content > My Courses.

Focus21 On-Demand Conference Sessions

Did you miss CMAA Focus21? If so, you can still take advantage of this package of on-demand conference sessions from the live, virtual event. Sessions are presented by industry-leading experts and focus on topics such as technology, scheduling...

Newark, NJ

Newark, New Jersey Get’s the Lead Out

The City of Newark, New Jersey has embarked on a program to mitigate lead in its drinking water. This presentation will focus on the challenges of managing a lead service line replacement program. Topics to be discussed include utilizing technology...
