The Colossal Failure of Most Strategy Plans & How To Make Yours Impactful

Recorded Webinar

The vast majority of strategic plan development goes like this: your leadership team goes on a two-day retreat and creates a list of "to do" items to fix some problems; they are put into a nice branded and bound strategy book and distributed to all staff; and lastly, these strategy books are put on shelves or in filing cabinets where they will live until next year when it’s done all over again.

This probably sounds all too familiar to most companies, whether in the construction business or otherwise. This represents a colossal failure as no real change, no differentiation, and no results are realized. These "Strat Plans" are nothing more than "Wish List" or "Fix It Lists". In this webinar, we will discuss how to make your strategy plans drive your vision for the future. The focus on our discussion will be on four key characteristics of a great strategy plan:

1. Vision Seeking
2. Simplicity
3. Adaptable
4. Highly Executable

Duration: 1 hour | PDHs: 1 | Subscription: Members Only

Presented by: Hal Routh
