CMAR: Design-Build (with a Twist)

CMAR with a Twist

When the design, trades, and other contracts (the "twist") are held by the construction manager, they fall under the CM at-risk (CMAR) designation. This session will prove this is a delivery method that, if managed correctly, could see substantial project cost savings and schedule shortening. A key driver is the identification of unique aspects of the project and the partnering with experts in delivery and mitigation. As helpful as CMAR can be, attendees will see its implementation often presents a number of challenges as it is a significant departure from traditional Design-Bid-Build. Attendees will leave understanding the financial benefits of CMAR, the procurement methodology, the importance of expertise and thought leadership, and be mindful of the legislative approvals needed for CMAR.

To successfully complete this course and receive your continuing education certificate, you must watch the video and complete the post-test with a score of 70% or higher.

Duration: 1 hour | PDHs: 1 | Subscription: 90 days

Presented by: Nick Dandolos
