CCM Videos & Webinars
What is a CCM? - a short video about what a CCM does.
Online Application - A brief look at what the online application looks like.
Becoming a CCM - A webinar about the benefits, eligibility, examination, and preparation for the CCM.
Applicant Documents
CCM Application Handbook - This is required reading for every candidate interested in becoming a CCM.
CACM Application Handbook - This is required reading for every candidate interested in becoming a CACM.
CMIT Application Handbook - This is required reading for every candidate interested in becoming a CMIT.
CMIT Level 2 Application Handbook - This is required reading for every candidate interested in becoming a CMIT Level 2.
CMIT Level 3 Application Handbook - This is required reading for every candidate interested in becoming a CMIT Level 3.
CMIT Level 4 Application Handbook - This is required reading for every candidate interested in becoming a CMIT Level 4.
Qualification Matrix Addendum - This will give you additional information about what each matrix phase and function are, as defined by the Board of Governors.
Conditions and Conduct Agreement - All CMCI applicants and credential holders are required to sign this agreement.
International Education Policy - If you are qualifying for the CCM or CACM by using an international degree, you must adhere to this policy.
CMCI Appeals Form - If an applicant or candidate wishes to appeal, they must fill out this form.
Outline of CM Functions - This document contains the scope of work a CCM is expected to be able to fulfill.
CM Core Competencies - This is competencies expected from each construction manager looking to pursue the CCM.
Special Accommodations Form - Anyone needing special accommodations for the CCM or CACM exam must fill out this form.
Live Remote Proctoring (LRP) Accommodation Request Form - Anyone requesting to take the CACM or CCM exam via Live Remote Proctoring must complete this form.
Live Remote Proctoring (LRP) Rules & Requirements - Information and documents candidates need to know prior to registering for LRP testing.
CMCI Complaint Form - Any individual may file a complaint of an administrative nature.
Test Center Rules & Requirements - This document explains what CCM and CACM exam candidates must follow while at the test center.
Brochures and Promotional Material
CMCI Certifications Flyer - A one-page overview of the CMCI Certification pathway to success.
CCM Flyer - A one-page overview of the CCM.
CCM vs CACM vs PMP - A comparison between the Certified Construction Manager®, Certified Associate Construction Manager®, and the Project Management Professional®
CII Endorsement Letter - The Construction Industry Institute endorsement of the CCM.
Military Transition Flyer - An explanation on why military personnel transitioning out should consider the CCM.
CCMs from the Military - Perspective from CCMs in the military.
CCM in Public Works - Flier on how states and municipalities use credentials to find professionals.
CCM DOT Flier - An explanation of why state departments of transportation prefer the CCM.
- Renewal Handbook – If your certification is about to expire, please read through the Handbook to learn the process and requirements for renewing your CCM® and CACM.
- Renewal Retesting Form – Don’t have enough points to renew? You can retake the exam instead.
- Recertification Point Providers – Here are additional options for CCMs and CACMs to earn points toward recertification.
Share Your Achievements
Press Release for New CCMs - Let everyone know you have achieved the pinnacle construction management certification.
Press Release for New CACMs - Let everyone know you have achieved the associate construction management certification.
Digital Badging - Your credentialing badge will communicate your knowledge of, and dedication to, the construction management profession to prospective employers and industry peers.
Example RFPs with CCM Preferences – CCMs are often preferred or required by Owners to lead their projects. We have included some examples of those RFPs and RFQs.
Mentor Program Guide – Mentors provide CMITs with guidance and support, to ensure CMITs are on the right track to obtaining the experience necessary to qualify for CCM®.
CCM Retired
CCM Retired Handbook – Includes the application to retire your CCM® if you are no longer practicing construction management.