The Capstone is intended to provide a basic understanding of construction management and the role of the construction manager (CM). It is divided into the following chapters:
1. Owners and Project Types – An introduction to project owners (those who hire CMs), the various types of construction projects, and the most common delivery methods (or procedures) used to manage a project to completion.
2. Contracts and Agreements – An overview of the most common types of contracts and agreements used in the construction industry and why they are important.
3. Procurement – A summary of how the owner builds and compensates a project team, including the CM.
4. Technology – A brief look at the way technology is reshaping the construction industry to make the work safer, more efficient, and more sustainable.
5. Leadership – Helpful information for personal and professional development as a CM by focusing on leadership and ethics.
6. Management – A list of a CM’s project management responsibilities including cost, time, risk, quality, contracts, and IT. Also, the difference between project and program management, and the concept of partnering.
7. Safety and Liability Risks – An important section on safety management on the job, liability risk information, and dispute resolution techniques.
8. Career Development – Information on how to make the most of a career as a CM through mentoring, earning credentials, networking, and obtaining on-the-job experience.
Appendices include the following reference materials:
» Readings and References
» Liability Legal Cases
» Industry Abbreviations
» Industry Glossary
» About CMAA
» CMAA Code of Professional Ethics
This publication is also available in Spanish. To purchase or download the Spanish edition, please see Curso Final: Introducción a la Profesión de Gestión de la Construcción.
All publication sales are non-refundable.
All CMAA publications are copyrighted materials of the Construction Management Association of America. All rights reserved. No part of any publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database of retrieval system, except as permitted by Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the publisher.