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CMCI Credentials Progression 2025

The Construction Manager Certification Institute (CMCI) provides credentials for construction management professionals:

As an independent administrative body of CMAA, CMCI administers the construction management credentialing programs. The Institute is governed by a Board of Governors (BoG) and is comprised of construction management professionals who are responsible for policies and procedures affecting the criteria for professional credentials and the determination of the status of candidates enrolled in the credential programs.


Click here to learn more about CMCI Certifications!

Nominations Open for CMCI Board of Governors

The CMCI Board of Governors is responsible for policies and procedures affecting the criteria for professional credentials and the determination of the status of candidates enrolled in the credential programs. This requires individuals who are prepared to make decisions in the best interests of CMCI.

The Nominating Committee seeks individuals with a record of demonstrated leadership experience, particularly within CMAA’s local chapters or national committees, or governance or leadership experience within other nonprofit organizations or professional societies (local or national). Completed applications are due by May 1, 2025. 

Begin Your Nomination


Mimi Kronisch, PE, CCM, ​​​​RK&K
Joshua Williams, CCM, Jacobs
David Potts, CCM, Whiting-Turner Contracting Company


Doreen Bartoldus, PE, CCM, Brown and Caldwell
Justine Belizaire, CCM, HNTB
Ray Deering, CCM, JMT
Iris Giboyeaux, CCM, STV
Beau Hoyt, PE, CCM, Virginia Department of Transportation
Bryant Obando, CCM, Vanir Construction Management, Inc.
Steve Pancham, CCM, MBP
Len Pappalardo, CCM, Keville Enterprises, Inc.
Harrison Staley, CCM, Ardmore Roderick
Vincent Testa, PE, CCM, Procon Consulting
Robbie Thompson, PE, CCM, Foster CM Group

Statement of Impartiality

The CMCI Board of Governors and certification staff understand the importance of impartiality and conflicts in the management of certification activities. When undertaking dealings with members and non-members, all involved in the certification process will maintain a high level of ethical conduct and avoid conflicts of interest in connection with the performance of their duties. There shall be an avoidance of any actions and or commitments that might create the appearance of:

  • Using positions for personal gain;
  • Giving preferential treatment;
  • Impeding efficiency;
  • Losing independence or impartiality; and
  • Affecting adversely the confidence of CMCI constituents in the integrity of certification operations.

The BoG and credentialing staff will ensure that in its dealings with constituents that they are and will remain impartial.


The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) National Accreditation Board (ANAB) has accredited the Construction Manager Certification Institute's (CMCI) Certified Construction Manager® (CCM®) certification program under ISO/IEC 17024, General Requirements for Bodies Operating Certification Systems or Persons.

ANAB's Accreditation:

  • Promotes the unique qualifications and expertise CMCI's construction management certification provides;
  • Protects the integrity of the certification and provides legal defensibility;
  • Enhances consumer and public confidence in the certification and the people who hold it; and
  • Facilitates mobility across borders or industries.

Accreditation by ANAB signifies that CMCI's procedures meet ANAB's essential requirements for openness, balance, consensus, and due process in accordance with the ISO 17024 standard. To maintain accreditation, CMCI is required to consistently adhere to a set of requirements or procedures related to quality, openness, and due process.

ANAB logo new for ANSI